An unhealthy diet can wreak havoc on your mental health. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause mental health symptoms to spiral out of control, leaving you […]
If you’re like many people who have recently decided to make a major change in your life by giving up drugs and/or alcohol, you’re probably feeling […]
Your recovery doesn’t end at getting clean. Your brain needs time to rest and adjust because of its associations with people, places and things related to […]
After addressing your issues with addiction and starting necessary treatment, you will have face the problems head on that led to drug abuse. Did you start […]
Addiction Recovery is never out of reach for anyone. No matter how hopeless or bleak your situation may seem. With the right addiction treatment and support, […]
In the past few years, there has been controversy about the 12-Step programs effectiveness and the programs ability to help people recover and overcome an addiction. […]